The Florida Surf Film Festival boys are back and we’re stoked ! Checkout out their latest podcast with east coast charger Balaram Stack. Just click on the box underneath where the bold text says “NEW PODCAST” to hear Bal expound on travel, competition, freesurfing, his new edit / work in progress due out Fall of 2021 and other topics as described below by the good folks at FSFF, a really great listen and welcome back to our friends at Florida Film Festival !
“Today, we released episode 16 of our Surf Stories Podcast, “Hail Mary” with Balaram Stack. He talked to us about his new project with Ben Gulliver, Hail Mary, due to be released in the fall of 2021. He shared a gem about taking a beat down in the Caribbean, and Ben thought Bal had disappeared in the Pacific Northwest ocean. Enjoy the gab”. – Florida Surf Film Festival –

Walk it like you talk it- Balaram barreled out on the East End of Long Island. Photo: Mez @mezapixels