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All words, captions and photos by Tom “Tooter” Dugan, please follow at @tomduganphotos on Instagram

The best… Nothing like a sparkling, no water out of place set wave to get the adrenaline going when you paddle out. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

When Hurricane Season hits the East Coast each year, we all hope for the best and fear the worst.

In Florida all walkways lead to the beach. And, hopefully some firing hurricane waves. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

 We look for the storms to stay out in the ocean and just send waves with no destruction.  So far five tropical cyclones have formed, three of which became hurricanes:  Beryl, Debby, and Ernesto.

And speaking of firing…The girls of Brevard were on it as usual as Isabella Goodwin took full control on this wave throwing some serious chunks of water around. Isabella is one of the many girls making a name for themselves with incredible surfing and style to boot. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos


Hurricane Season starts in June and stretches till the end of November, with the busiest part of the season between mid-August and mid-October.  The end of August brought us Ernesto.

Kieran Spring’s backside attack …… 11:50 …… PHOTO : @tomduganphotos


What Hurricane Ernesto did was not so good for some areas wave quality-wise but it did send a few waves to our coast for a few days and some clean conditions once it moved past the northern Bahama islands and away into more open ocean.

Backside bomb for Brian Hinton on Sunday. Ernesto sent some great waves with clean conditions for just a few days, but it was a nice few days, and well received up and down the East Coast. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

 Central Florida saw about five days of surf.  Friday started out windblown and chunky.  Saturday saw the waves cleaning up.  Sunday and Monday showed some epic surf by all standards, while Tuesday had very small leftovers.

When Ernesto started to show up it was windy and small but Teddy Wittemann still found a corner to rip apart on day one. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos


 Central Florida was spared from the storm but the season is far from over.  Check out the photos from the Ernesto Swell and keep an eye on the charts for more to come as we head into peak Hurricane Season, with the midpoint on September 10th.

Clean lines on a clean wave. Coral Schuster’s backside attack. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Great way to find that perfect peak along the different sandbars. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Baylor White setting up for a clean run on a nice wave. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

If it’s breaking in Central Florida this guy is on it. Kent Compayre tail slide. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Between his Billabong duties and real estate job, Scott Bouchard always gets on it when the hurricane swells show up. Butchy off the top on the first wave of the set. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Love the Summer vibes during Ernesto: water 82°, sunny skies, 94° with head high waves and light offshore winds. Could not ask for more. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Unknown surfer rips one up backside during Ernesto. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Chad Locke off the top in the morning light. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Questioning if a Fish is the right board for overhead waves. Her surfing says it was. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Backside attack, Chauncey Robinson. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Coral Schuster on a bit of an overhead set wave midmorning Monday in Satellite Beach, Florida. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Like all East Coast hurricanes, the swell is always short lived as they move by off the coast. After Sunday’s and Monday’s wave fest, Tuesday morning had just a trace of waves and a morning high tide that just killed the chance of surfing leftover waves. A small wave set in Cocoa Beach was all there was on call for Tuesday. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Hometown knowledge gets Sam Barker slotted. Always fun to watch Sammy surf his home break and see what he will do on some clean waves he’s been riding since gromhood. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos