19th Annual Belmar Pro Dedicated To Scott Goodwin Sept 9-12th By Don Tarrant / Eastern Lines https://easternlines.com
To register for the comp do it NOW at http://belmarpro.com
The Belmar Pro is back, baby and, in true Dirty Jersey style, with a very probable, very possibly hard thumping swell on the horizon from the future Mr. Hurricane Larry.
The models are still coming together at this time but we’re looking at good chance of a cat 3 with most spaghetti models ( forecast ensembles ) leaving dude just out past Hurricane Alley pushing beaucoup swell at the Jersey Shore.

Unidentified at the Belmar Pro 2010. Some years are way better than others and 2010 was one of the best swells to hit during the allotted waiting period. PHOTO : Ray Hallgreen @rbhallgreen
In other words, could be one for the ages and check Surflines most recent tropical forecast by Mike Watson here https://www.surfline.com/surf-forecasts/north-new-jersey/5dbb4a298236730001d77fee/premium-analysis

Hello Larry…. Courtesy NOAA
After the frustrations we’ve all had to deal with the past two summers, including the disappointing cancellation of last years event altogether, it is definitely 100% ON with a full plate of great divisions battling between the areas beach break groins which create some of the best wave set up’s in the state if not the east coast.

The Belmar Pro has a great record of waves for the event and 17th Avenue in Belmar is a real good place to see great surfing up close. Floridian Evan Thompson tail slides for the fans. PHOTO : Chris Wilson @csurfphoto
It’s a chance for young East Coast upstarts and New Jersey pro surfers to shine in their own front yard and to host all their buds coming to give it a go from out of the state and in some cases other parts of the world and turn them on to the wonders of the un-official NJ State Meal of choice, the Taylor Pork Roll, egg and cheese on a hard roll sandwich.
And don’t forget the ketchup, salt and pepper if you want full, all day sustenance.

Mc Donalds? Yeaaah no. Not when you can get these at the many delis, all night diners, coffee shops, bagel joints, restaurants of every ethnicity and bodegas all over the Garden State. If you don’t try one of these Jersey delicacy’s – Taylor Pork Roll with egg and cheese on a hard roll – yer blowin’ it. Big time. Photo: Mez @mezapixels
On tap are the following tilts: FINS Mens Open, Playa Bowls Womens Open, Blue Moon Longboard Open, Creatures Of Leisure Master Open, SRH Legends ( 50 and up ) Custom X Pro Bodyboard Open and our favorite, The Snot Nose Womens Body Board Open for which we’d like to hereby humbly request both a medium and xxl sized t-shirt for the easternsurf.com staff of two.

Maddie Ryan, Jess Kwiecinski, Caroline Duerr, Carely Coble. This is not just some add on, PC event. These girls kill it and will put on a show in the water well worth watching. Photo: Mike Vuocolo @mikesshoreshots
This years’ Event is dedicated to Scotty Goodwin, the co-founder of the Belmar Pro, who has passed on leaving both a big hole emotionally in our hearts as well in helping run the event itself, but there are many stepping up inspired by Scotty’s hard work over the years and wanting to put on a stellar pro show the Belmar Pro has long been known for in remembrance to this true Garden State legend.

Jax Beach FL’s Evan Thompson takes to the air for a Belmar Pro high heat score. You alway need to be at your best if you want to advance. PHOTO : Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos
It’s a chance for young East Coast upstarts and New Jersey pro surfers to shine.
The Belmar Pro is a highly awaited contest by the Belmar area locals and usually attracts large crowds of spectators that can watch the Surfers, browse the Vendor Village or just enjoy the continuous live music on the Beach stage.

New Jersey artist Jay Alders designed the Belmar Pro poster for the 2011 contest and was on site to sign them if you wanted. Always good to see the support around the event from the surf industry. PHOTO : Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos
It’s not every day that you get to meet your surfing heroes, but the Belmar Pro is a time when the sport’s marquis athletes are right there to watch, meet, and get an autograph from. In the past, that has included World Tour competitor Dean Randazzo, Shea Lopez, Parker Coffin, Michael Dunphy, Ben Bourgeois, the Guduaskas brothers, Aaron Cormican, Bryan Hewitson, Timmy Reyes, Jeremy Johnston, Shaun Cansdel, Brian Toth, Rob Kelly and former World champion, Tom Curren.

Dean Randazzo is alway on point with his surfing and one of the best ever to call Jersey his home. Guaranteed Dean will be on fire this year as always. PHOTO : Chris Wilson @csurfphoto
This year the evening’s festivities include a party at the Beach Haus Brewery featuring Predator Dub Assassins on Thursday, Joe’s Surf Shack with live music by Anthony Lee and Thunderherd on Friday. The Official Belmar Pro party will be held on Saturday at 10th Ave Burrito. The live music will be provided by the original Miami Hurricane, DJ Lance-O and Los Gringos. You are 100% guaranteed a rockin’ great time with Lance in the house blasting those heavy reggae beats !
Registration for all events close on September 5th to enter or for more info, go to http://belmarpro.com . – Don Tarrant / Eastern Lines –

Lance O will be groovin’ and providing the easy skankin’ at the event so don’t miss him and tell him ESM says whats up, Jah? Photo: Mez @mezapixels

The contest will be dedicated to the memory of longtime event co-ordinator Scott Goodwin ( far left ) who passed since the last event in 2019 but he’ll more than be there in spirit and a ton of good memories like this one with contestants ( left to right ) unidentified , Logan Hayes, Dallas Tolson and Randy Townsend. PHOTO : Courtesy Eastern Lines

Will Larry deliver for the 19th running of the Belmar Pro? When you hold a contest at the peak of Hurricane Season sometimes the waves like this show up like they did for the 2017 comp. Logan Hayes made the drive up from Florida in 2017 and he was glad he did . 17Th Avenue off its face with perfection East Coast style. PHOTO : DR Stockdale @drstockdalephotography

Let the good times roll and cover you in some very tasty lager. Dylan Southworth takes the win in the Jr. Pro and a quick wash down on the podium at the 2010 event while Balaram Stack ( on right ) ducks for cover. PHOTO : Ray Hallgreen @rbhallgreen

Aaron Cormican has surfed multiple events and can take down the best with moves like this one in the practice zone at the 2011 event. PHOTO : Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

Randy Townsend puts it on rail for a heat advancement with clean tight moves for the win. PHOTO : DR Stockdale @drstockdalephotography

2015 Longboard Pro winner Tony Silvagni hit the winning move while inside guy gives the “Oi Vay I’m cooked!” head slap after checking Tony’s prolonged tip time on this one. Photo: Mike Vuocolo @mikesshoreshots

The boardwalk is always the place to see and be seen and Belmar has one of the best in the state bar none. And don’t forget to cross the street right about here and visit our good friends at Eastern Lines and the Garden State legend – and New Jersey Surfing Hall Of Famer – Mr. Don Tarrant who has busted his hump the past 19 events putting on a stellar comp for all to enjoy. PHOTO : Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

Former Belmar Pro winner, Rob Kelly with his back against the wall and throwing down some clean lines during the 2017 event. PHOTO : DR Stockdale @drstockdalephotography

The San Clemente Kid – and full on Jersey lover and all around good bloke – Kevin Schulz took the win in 2016. And he digs on Taylor Pork Roll egg and cheese sammies so he’s definitely cool with us. PHOTO : Christor Lukasiewicz

Vince Boulanger up from Maryland takes to the air. Clean surfing with power is always good for the score. PHOTO : DR Stockdale @drstockdalephotography

Micah Cantor always crushes it and this wave is no exception during the 2019 tilt where he shot down fellow aerialist Logan Hayes in a duel for above the lip supremacy in their 2019 final in the FINS Mens Pro. Photo: Mike Vuocolo @mikesshoreshots

A contestant surfs for an audience of two. 17th Avenue, Belmar Pro 2001. PHOTO : Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

A sparkling gem of an untouched barrel with a guy on the shoulder no doubt mind surfing himself to a perfect 10. We can hardly wait to see how the 2021 Belmar Pro Dedicated To Scott Goodwin goes down with the Larry swell well on it’s way and closing in fast. Photo: Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos