Presented by our Friends Of The Porpoise at WRV, check them out here
Longtime ESM, now, photographer and former ESM assistant photo editor, Mark Hill knows the breaks of the Treasure Coast and parts south like the back of his hand. He’s an old school, stealth kinda dude usually traveling alone and not with a pack of ravenous, hyped up, sponsored up shredders looking to get content posted on social media as fast as it is shot and downloaded – now bluetoothed – from camera to iphone to IG in mere minutes. No, you’ll find Hilly – if you even see him at all – slipping into a parking lot away from the fray and picking a more secluded patch of beach where he’ll fire away from the shadows racking up crisp, tight action shots like these below. The only “downside” is because Mark is not prejudiced and will shoot whoever is killing it ( and not just “rippers with stickers” ) it can be hard to get ID’s of your subjects like this batch of shredders here. Know this though and that is “random’s” always have a place in our hearts, and in this humble space, and we’d much rather run the shots unidentified than let them languish in the files never to be published. Here is to all the anonymous, blue collar rippers out there, this ones for you! And you check out more of Mark’s kick-ass work on IG or get in touch to purchase photos at @mhillphotos. – Mez –

Driving deep towards the pier. Photo: Hill ©mhillphotos

Unknown schralper gets crackin’! Hill ©mhillphotos

Random’s standout fin ditch. Hill ©mhillphotos

Unidentified’s three stage wrap to snap. Hill ©mhillphotos

Previous fin ditcher goes triple xxx-treme rated. Hill ©mhillphotos

You want to throw a hammer? Dig into your tool box, haul off on a bottom turn like this guy and bash the shit out of it. Sequence Hill ©mhillphotos

This guy was obviously on a heater this session. Photo: Hill ©mhillphotos

Lip ripper at Juno. Photo: Hill @mhillphotos

Slashing Random. We didn’t get your name but we won’t forget this move. Killing it Bru! Photo: Hill @mhillphotos

Carving away in anonymity on a beautiful, mid-winters late afternoon. Photo: Hill ©mhillphotos