Presented by our Friends Of The Porpoise at WRV, check them out here!
Here to follow is Part 2 of Dick Meseroll’s Spring Fling Phlog of his recent trip to the Outer Banks to cover the ESA’s Mid-Atlantic Regionals and generally chill and wait for a swell. And he definitely got one in the form of tropical storm Ana. Please share and check us out at Facebook and Instagram @easternsurfmag. Follow Mez on IG at @mezapixels.

Thar’s aqueous tubular nuggets to be had as far as the eye ( and drone ) can see all along those dune lines. Pea Island looking south towards Mirlo Beach and the new, under construction Route 12 “Jug Handle” by-pass at S-Curves parts of which are soon to be cut off from vehicular traffic. Looks like the NC DOT has given up the battle and have recognized you can fight against Ma Ocean for only so long.

This spot however isn’t cut off just yet. Ya’ just have to find it.

Quentin Turko is a ‘Banks local, he’ll always find his way to wherever the waves are. And, truth be told, the local crew just don’t seem all that upset about slowly disappearing access. Like Pirates, they will always find the treasures, it’s in their blood.

Speaking of treasure’s of a sort …

Nick Rupp somewhere up in Town plugged into a clean and green P-land right.

Always time for a little Pee-dro and tchokski shopping at South Of The Border when hauling up I-95 to North Carolina on an Outer Banks mission.

Cam Richards has been chasing tropical storm season surf to the OBX since he was knee high to his daddy Kelly Richards classic 70’s Triumph motorcycles. Click on GIF sequence below of this entire ride.
Cam Richards Dare County NC By Mez @mezapixels from on Vimeo.

As the old saying goes, sometimes you get the bull but, on this one, Cam is definitely about to get the horns …

One thing you definitely do not want to be is the guy stuck blocking a beach access ramp, especially the dumbass trying to drive a vehicle like this on the beach.

Jesse Hines deftly handled Tropical Storm Ana’s barrels with a sublime touch and the nuanced positioning of a vet who’s been doing this for decades.

P-Land firing with a random about to pull the trigger while below Nick Rupp takes a free fall drop, gathers all the energy at the bottom and unloads a beast of a backside carve in this GIF sequence.
Nick Rupp At P-land TS Ana By Mez @mezapixels from on Vimeo.

The surfing icon of Right Coast surfing icons can be found on everything from a fridge magnet to a full size billboard but still nothing like stand right underneath the structure itself staring up at it’s almost 200 feet of it’s majestic, candy striped magnificence. I simply never tire of seeing it.

the real thing from the air, a pano of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.

Lucas Rogers taking a break from deep tubes down south to flinging himself above the lip up in Town at P-Land.

Lucas after a long couple of days doing it all from one end of the OBX to the other including the below clip of him riding my vintage 1974, 6-4, twenty one inch wide Claude Codgen boxed down railed swallow stinger and nabbing a double barrel to frontside lipper at an out of the way Pea Island sandbar.
Lucas Rogers Ripping On A 1974 Claudie Codgen Sunshine from on Vimeo.

Josh Tudor sitting pretty and pretty deep in a Dare County keg.

How much can the tip Cape Hatteras Point change under the constant pressures of the Atlantic ocean ?

This much… Preceding photo above taken May 9th, 2021, second image here taken September 23rd, 2017.

Fun! P-Land firing and the 6-4, 21 1/2 wide Claude Codgen Sunshine surfboard just waiting for Jeff Myers to take her for a wiggle for my “Projeckt Yellow Sunshine” photo feature coming next November. Wanna take her for a spin?

JM’s first wave was a winner with several more to follow including a solid tube ride and a mad frontside floater on the boxy downrailer.

I didn’t know f he was going to give me the dang thing back after he came in for a brief rest and re-fuel. Guy totally killed it on the thing …

Myers is no slouch on more conventional equipment like this Bob Yinger shaped WRV beauty. That thing must have felt like an greased bar of soap after surfing the Claudie.

Jeff Myers, great ripper, great guy, great two days shooting and hanging at P-Land.

Dining al fresca at the Billy Mitchell Frisco Campground with a fresh caught grouper take away sandwich from the Diamond Shoals Restaurant with some of the best hush puppies you’ll get anywhere. Fifty years ago I pitched a tent at this very same campground on my first ever trip the the Outer Banks and it is still very much the same and is the place to camp anywhere on the ‘Banks.

Cape mini-grinders wrap around the point.

From my collection of Shaka Shadows I’ve been taking for years this one snapped at the First Groin “Wave Magnet”.

Quentin Turko angling under the rare bomb right during Tropical Storm Ana.

Unidentified rail grabber in perfect position.

The Lighthouse as seen from it’s former position on the dune at the foot of First Groin.

Cam Richards eased back in the slot about to hit the Batmobile booster rocket engine.

Jeff Myers edged out P-Land pivot move.

On borrowed time as all things positioned at the foot of the ocean are on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. If not for recent sand “re-nourishment” projects some of these houses would be great spots to fish and dive over. Just a matter of time …

Nigel Haynes cranking at P-Land.

Only a surfer knows the feeling- exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, sunburned, wetsuit rashed, dead armed and totally loving it. Nigel Haynes heads home to his wife and children a very happy man.

Random guy perfectly poised to receive a blessing from Tropical Storm Ana’s abundant two day swell. Sorry we did not get your name bud but you were charging this morning!

Thanks for checking out the phlog with a big thank you’s to our Friends at Wave Riding Vehicles for bringing this to you- til next time …