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Photos and captions by Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos
On Saturday, December 7th, The Space Coast Board Riders Club hosted the 4th Annual Space Coast Grom Fest at Pelican Beach Park in Satellite Beach, Florida. It was a beautiful fall day with a slight nip in the air from a cold front and north winds.
The waves on offer were semi clean in the 2 to 4 ft range with mostly high tide throughout the event, keeping most surfers riding the shore break rather than the outside sandbars. Seeing the stoke of all the groms involved throughout the day was what made this such a great event.

Beckham McCart was on a roll at one of his home-breaks right up until the final. He posted a score of 15.47 out of 20, but just .20 short of the winning score of 15.67 posted by Benji Lang. PHOTO :@tomduganphotos
This year’s Grom Fest was more special than the three previous ones with the addition of the Robert Rohmann Scholarship. Robert was a Satellite Beach local Pro Surfer and fishing guide that passed away in 2016 at the age of 30 due to his bout with CTEPH.

Scholarship honoree and second generation Brevard County ripper, Robert Rohmann literally following his dad’s tracks at Sebastian Inlet’s First Peak where the older, gooyfooted pro was a top influencer back in the day. PHOTO: Mez
To enter and have a chance at the $500 scholarship, contestants had to write a one page essay telling about themselves, their family, show community involvement, share their passions, hobbies, and surfing aspirations. Also addressing where they needed to grow and their plan to get there.

Boy’s U14 winner Sebastian Peters showing form beyond his age. Sebastian and his younger brother Kai are on it whenever there are waves. That is what you do to keep your surfing moving forward . Sebastian showing his style on Saturday. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
After all the entries were read, Central Florida’s Peyton Lenox took the check and at the same time brought tears to many with her conviction shared of God and family during the beach presentation.

Robert Rohmann Scholarship winner Peyton Lenox puts her surfing skills to work in the 18U Girls Jr Pro. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
The check was presented by the Space Coast Boardriders head Mason Sapp, and Robert’s widow Arianne. Also in attendance was Robert’s 13 year old daughter Raelyn and his Dad, former top east coast pro, Bob Rohmann to share the good vibes Robert always radiated in life.

The Fourth Annual Space Coast Grom Fest offered a Scholarship in honor of surfer Robert Rohmann who passed away in 2016 from CTEPH at the age of 30. His daughter Raelyn with former top east coast pro, Grandad Bob Rohmann, along with Mom Arianne were all on hand to present the Scholarship to winner Peyton Lennox. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
So many waves were ridden and heats run with surfers. In addition, the moms and dads were all keeping an eye on all their groms.

Super Grom 12U winner Kai Peters and his older brother Sebastian both took home first place trophies. It was a great day for their family who cheered them on through every heat they surfed. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
The combination of the three was what the event was all about: groms and surfing. If this year’s event was a glimpse into the talent of surfers young and small, we can report the future looks really really good for the Space Coast Groms.

The 4th Annual Space Coast Grom Fest was a huge success by all standards. From the youngest groms to the oldest groms they were all there to enjoy a beautiful sunny wave filled day at the beach. Indo Board inventor and owner operator of the iconic sports is one of the oldest groms we know, Hunter Joslin rejoices early in the day as the event was starting and first heats were hitting the water. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
2-Beckham McCart

The main event of the Space Coast Grom Fest was the Boys’ Jr Pro. All the top groms entered and surfed with energy only the young can use heat after grueling heat. Benji Lang ended up in the final heat surfing against local Beckham McCart. The surfing was on point with Benji posting a 15.67 and Beckham a 15.47. Just .20 separated the winner from the runner-up. . Talk about a close heat. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
2-Kendall Dimmick
4-Kai Leavins
4-Alyssa Gilreath
4-Mahina Friend
4-Wren Zhawenim Gotts

This is how the new class of Grom Girls attack a wave backside. Sofia Gamboa leading the pack. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Mason Sapp and Arianne Rohmann present Peyton Lenox the $500.00 check for the Robert Rohmann Scholarship Fund. Peyton penned the winning essay and was rewarded nicely for her effort. PHOTO : Amy Ho Garson

Local boy Logan Radd surfed up to his name but was stopped short of going forward due to an interference call. On to the next event with knowledge gained. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Clay Garson surfed his earlier heats by himself. For the final his Dad Kyle decided to take him to the outside sandbar for bigger waves and hopefully better scores. As it turned out it worked and Clay won the Micro Grom (push-in) 10U division. It always helps when your dad is a seasoned pro showing you how it’s done at such a young age. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

World Champion CJ Hobgood was on hand to cheer the groms on. It’s always a stoker for the kids when CJ makes the scene. Shown here discussing surf conditions with Jaden McCart. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Isabella Goodwin surfed two great heats but in her second heat she went up against eventual winner Daya McCart and was put out of the running. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

15yr old Ian Honda from Satellite Beach showing his hometown, where the contest was held ,how it’s done. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

The Micro Groms ( push-in ) 10U head out with their partners to show everyone what’s really going on. Future greatness in the house. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos