Presented by our Friends Of The Porpoise at Wave Riding Vehicles
No one should complain, even when the waves suck. We surf and that should be good enough or each one of us to drop to our knees and thank our lucky stars for having found this beautiful, beautiful pursuit, this one of a kind joy of riding waves. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all from and going strong for almost 30 years now because of you. And for that we are thankful beyond words for your all your support.

Benny Crumb, Hatteras Island, North Carolina. Photo: Daniel Pullen @danielpullen

Chauncey Robinson, Satellite Beach, Florida. Photo: Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

Rhode Island. Photo: Amanda Pfrifiti

Palm Beach, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Mikey Weeks, Ogunquit, Maine. Photo: Jim Ready @picjimready

Pea Island, North Carolina. Photo: Jon Carter @joncarterphotography

Miami Beach, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Jose Perez, Moody Beach, Maine. Photo: Jim Ready @picjimready

Pete Mendia, Palm Beach, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Borinquen, Puerto Rico. Photo: Rachel Tanner @racheltannerphoto

Will Skudin, long Island, New York. Photo: Mike Nelson @fullnelsonphoto

Outer Banks North Carolina. Photo: Daniel Pullen @danielpullen

Kyle Hogan, Satellite Beach, Florida. Photo: Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

Paul Francisco, New jersey. Photo: Robert Siliato @robert_siliato

Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Sam Sykes, Pea Island, North Carolina, Photo: Mike Leech @mikeleechphotos

Maine. Photo: Joshua Kelly @joshuakellyphoto

Outer Banks, North Carolina. Phtot: Daniel Pullen @danielpullen

Matt Kechele and David Speir, Spanish House, florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Dave Speir, Spanish House, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels
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Outer Banks, North Carolina. Photo: Daniel Pullen @daniel Pullen

Unidentified, Wabasso, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Chauncey Robinsons, Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, Florida. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Randy Caldwell, RC’s, Satellite Beach, Florida. Photo: Mez @mazapixels

Sebastian Peters, RC’s, Satellite Beach, Florida. Photo: Tom Dugan @tomduganphotos

Outer Banks, North Carolina. Photo: Mike Leech @mikeleechphotos

Ogunquit, Maine. Photo: Jim Ready @picjimready