Presented By Our Friends Of The Porpoise At WRV
Second in a series where a select group of Right Coast shooters pick their selects representing their favorite frames from 2021 and tell you a little bit about them. Here our good buds at Wave Riding Vehicles present the images of the one and only ESM co-founder, Tom Dugan. You can check out more of Toms work on his Instagram feed at @tomduganphotos or here at www.easternsurfcom.

This was the first session I photographed in 2021. Up from south Florida, Tanner Strohmenger was about to become a father so he needed to get his surf on before his Dad duties kicked in. Tanner was absolutely on fire and we ended up running a sixteen shot sequence of this snap. RC’s. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

AV sVhiny peak slips by these two surfers. Who doesn’t love these days when the waves are as much fun to photograph as they are to ride. Satellite Beach, FL. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Lucas Brickweg was getting the better waves this day and had some of the best backside hacks at top speed on a few really clean waves. These clean hacks are always fun to shoot and when the surfer has it down it will make a photographer’s job easy. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

This is the third photo of mine to be published from Hurricane Larry. I got up at five a.m., drove an hour and a half to Ponce inlet, and shot for about five hours. Then I continued north to Daytona about thirty minutes away and shot there for about an hour , then drove even further north for another hour to Flagler Pier and shot till sunset. Finished the day with a two hour drive south back home. I shot about three thousand photos or so. I edited them down to six hundred and so far three have been used. Long day. Daniel Glenn thru the goal post’s, Ponce Inlet. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Circa sixties era craftsmanship. I always like to look around at contests to see what’s new or old. This fin was at the 2021 Hotdogz on a Stix Longboard Event, where all boards are from the 60’s or before. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

This day was a bit high tide with strong offshore winds with just a few surfers out. “The Shred Doctor”, Corey Howell and Chauncey Robinson, who currebntly sits at #5 on the WSL’s North America rankings, were trading off sets and this one was one of the bigger sets. Chauncey went for it and completely smashed the lip and rode it out. As a photog you can’t ask for more. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Sebastian Peters is a name you are going to be hearing a lot. He has 100% family backing: Dad surfs, mom surfs, younger brother surfs, baby brother surfs, uncle Glen Walton surfs, grandma, and grandpa surf. He has style and surfs every day the waves are rideable. As they say, “practice makes perfect” and this grom practices a lot and he’s a great kid too. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Clean lines with the boats stuck offshore due to the Covid ban. Waves were good all day and I had to change out cards due to shooting so many photos and sequences… my favorite kind of day. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

If and when you surf RC’s in Satellite Beach, FL you WILL see Kyle Hogan out surfing, you WILL see him get the sets, and you WILL see him killing it frontside or backside. Kyle exhibit A . PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Rasta Rob McCormick doing what he does best, wave after wave. As far as surfers who make ariels with a high degree of consistency, Rob is way up there in the percentage of completions. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
Rasta Rob Mc Cormick By Tom Dugan from on Vimeo.

All cameras are on Cose Stoyanoff’s tail slide snap in the shore pound. Love this kind of photo of a grom totally charging. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Eastern Surf has always supported Women’s surfing by even doing three issues of the magazine that were Wahine Issues of only girls surfing. This shot I like because Mia Saiadach totally charged the lip with perfect form. Satellite Beach, Florida. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

I love when I’m at the beach with friends old and new… well sort of. Bill States was stoked to be back in Florida after about a 25 year absence and and stopped by the Eco Pro at Ponce Inlet. Bill’s a high school friend from New York and Shea Lopez has been a friend since he was about 10. Shea the new friend . Alway stoked to get a shot of good friends having a great day at the beach. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Whenever the waves are good at RC’s you will see Scott Bouchard getting a few sets. What I like about this photo is Scotts clean line off the bottom and him eye balling the lip. He did rip the top off this one I know because I have the sequence. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

When you roll up to your local beach and this is what greets you from the boardwalk. A real test of how fast can you wax up and get out there. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

I like this shot because I’ve always liked photos with huge fans in them. Tommy Coleman threw up a nice one here as he hit the lip and transitioned into a tail slide across the lip. Textbook move. RC’s. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos