Jordan Montgomery may have puzzled together the best four months of shit hot, EC surf action ever compacted into an under ten minute, five alarm fire titled 8@8 – 2020 Fall on the East Coast. Featuring our coasts top shelf talents Balaram Stack, Mike Dunphy, The Gieselman bro’s, Noah Schweizer with a brief walk on by California’s Yadin Nichol shredding Long Island Hurricane surf, we don’t know if we’ve seen this kind of wall-to-wall surf action since Kevin Welsh’s Surf NRG documentation of the 1995 hurricane season if you boiled down that epic vid into a nine minute version of itself. Jordan was not alone in laying this down with addition footy contributionsĀ copped from Peyton Willard, Jason Crane, Nils Schweizer, Nate Leal, Brian Elliot, and Evan Geiselman. This could be the 2020 East Coast video of the year! – Mez –
co-vids best four months of ec surfing on film ever