Presented by our friends Of The Porpoise at WRV check ’em out here
Photos and captions by Tom Dugan and Dick “Mez” Meseroll, intro by Dugan
Tom’s Take : With the East Coast being in our hurricane season, the storms have started up, and a few waves have come to us all. We have had eleven named storms, with three of them gaining hurricane strength.
A few photos here show how Central Florida got some clean surf with really hot weather and the warm water that Florida is known for. The Weather Channel stated this year was the hottest summer EVER on record.
Warm water and weather are incubators for hurricanes, and as I write this, Lee is at a Category 5” out in the ocean. It was good to break out the camera and see some great surfing after a long hot summer. Hope we see big surf without any destruction with the next couple of storms. – Tom Dugan –

Wiley Robinson surfs eerily like his brother, Chauncey. And what that means in shorthand is the guy flipping rips! Deep slicing schralp during Franklin at an undisclosed Indian Harbor Beach sandbar. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Wiley Robinsons showing his battle scars in the form of jellyfish nematocysts bite all over his body. Yep, those things suck. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Another surfer getting out of the hot Florida sun with full skin coverage is Kent Compayre. Full throttle re-direct in Satellite Beach. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Carl Burger spent two weeks away from home competing at events in Virginia Beach and the Outer Banks before heading back to Florida. He hung with good friend Logan Radd’s to catch a few waves around Central Florida. All was well till he hit his head pretty hard surfing. That’s when he decided it was time to head home. What a great two week stretch of East Coast waves. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Sam Duggan cracks a crisp backside move during Idalia in Central Brevard County. Photo and full Sick-quence! below by Mez @mezapixels
Sam Duggan Hurricane Idalia By Mez from on Vimeo.

Something you don’t see too often but as global warming continues to influence the earths climatology there is a very good chance this will become more the norm than the meteorological oddity as the decades go by and ocean waters reach hot tub status temp-wise. NOAA Photo

Sean Tubbs, one of the Sebastian Inlet young guns crew in the early 2000’s still laying down muscular turns during Franklin. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

Back from Hawaii to his home turf of Melbourne Florida, Marshall Alberta lucked into some Hurricane swell. Speed floater in Central Florida. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos
Logan Radd Hurricane Idalia By Mez from on Vimeo.

Corey Howell’s deep carving, full railed snap here and in full Sick-quence! glory below by Mez @mezapixels

Chauncey Robinson drove all night to Florida from the Outer Banks and VB after doing promo duties for Sunbum at the ECSC and WRV Outer Banks Pro respectively. No rest for the weary and weÕre sure he didnÕt want any til he finished this dawn patrol not too far from his home and bed. Photo: Mez @mezpixels

When he’s not at his shop Another Ride, Kelly Branagh is out trying out new surfboards. First day on this one, and it looks like it may be a keeper. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

One of ESM’s former art directors Ryan Clapper out for a surf on the last day of Idalia’s swell. Waves were too clean not to have a surf before he headed to work. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Luke French is one of he area many super talented blue collar surfers who rips in anonymity without fanfare and is always a standout making his presence known in the line-up with moves like this. Photo: Mez @mezapixels

When you know you will be out surfing in the hot Florida sun for hours, you do what ever it takes to protect your skin. John Cangianella’s got it covered. Satellite Beach, Hurricane Idalia. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos

Wiley Robinson put his fresh Gordzilla to the test and passing with flying colors both in performance and clor scheme. Photo: Mez @mezapixels:

Keirnan Spring turning into glassy green wall that screams ÒHurricane Season is finally here in Florida! Photo : Dugan @tomduganphotos

Kyle Garson starting a 30 yard section floater on a clean Hurricane long fetched pulse generated by Idalia. PHOTO : @tomduganphotos